February 13, 2014

30 Words: Keep Going

Failure is not the end.

It is an invitation:

To learn,

To grow,

To improve. 

Mistakes will be made.

Life is imperfect.

You are a work in progress.

Try again. 


(Cheating, I know but I want everyone creative to watch this!)

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Share your link with Erin at Treasures Found


  1. I kinda depend on getting to try again because I do fail a lot! Great words

  2. The combination of your picture, your words and that awesome video (which I had to watch twice!) are spot on! I wish that someone had told me this message long ago. But I am taking it to heart. I am going to start on a new path and try to make it my own, and this is a great reminder. I want to emblazon this on my heart so that I may remember it with ever fiber of my being. Thank you for joining in the 30 Words Challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin

  3. Your words capture the message of the video so well. By its very nature, creating entails a lot of trial and error, yet we always want things to be perfect first time. 'A lot of work is needed' and 'try again': wise words!

  4. I call mistakes Happy Accidents! Great thought!

  5. Both your words and the video - the best 60 words!! Thank you...

  6. Wow. . .those words really resonate with me. Failure really is a chance to learn more and better. We learn from our mistakes for sure. I sincerely appreciate this reminder. I think I needed it right now.

  7. Love it! As so many have already said... a good thing for us all to remember. When you are a perfectionist, failure (even small ones) can be a hard thing to swallow. I have to remind myself that it's ok to try and fail... you just rip it apart or start fresh and try again!
